Prevention of Ringworm

Preventing ringworm on dogs involves several measures aimed at reducing the risk of infection and spread of the fungus. The following are key strategies to help prevent ringworm:

How do Dogs get Ringworm?

Ringworm Prevention Checklist

Maintain Good Hygiene and Cleanliness.

Frequently clean and disinfect areas where your dog spends time. Wash your hands after handling your dog.

Healthy Skin and Coat.

Regular brushing and bathing help keep your dog's coat and skin healthy, reducing the risk of fungal infections.

Balanced Diet.

Providing a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients helps maintain your dog’s skin and coat health, which can be a natural barrier against infections.

Minimize Exposure to Infected Animals.

Isolate Infected Animals. If you know an animal has ringworm, keep your dog away from it. Ringworm is highly contagious.

Careful Interaction.

Be cautious when introducing your dog to new animals, especially in places like dog parks, kennels, or grooming salons.

Regular Veterinary Check-Ups.

Vet health assessments can help identify and address any skin issues before they develop before ringworm becomes severe.

Enviornmental Control.

Regularly clean and disinfect your home, particularly areas where your pet spends a lot of time.

Control Humidity.

Fungi thrive in moist environments, so keeping your home dry and well-ventilated can help prevent the growth of fungal spores.

Limited Contact with Stray Animals.

Stray animals might be more likely to carry ringworm. Limiting your dog's interaction with them can reduce the risk of infection.

* Google trends are rising for ringworm on dogs. You should practice prevention on a regular basis.

Prevention Dog 1 - Check up

60% of preventing ringworm on your dog involves providing good hygiene, cleanliness and a balanced diet.

Prevention dog 2

40% of ringworm prevention involves enviornmental control, animal interaction, at-risk isolation, and regular vet check ups.

Ringworm Prevention
puppy prevention

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How dogs get ringworm

Ringworm is contagious.
You can prevent its spread.

There are over 40 strains of Ringworm. It is not actually caused by a worm but by several groups of fungi called Dermatophytes. Your dog can contract ringworm through direct contact with people, animals, objects or soil that contains the fungi.

Oral Health
Dog check up
Plant in soil

Direct Contact.

Ringworm is a zoonotic disease and highly contagious. Your dog can get it by direct contact with an infected human or animal. This includes not only other dogs and their people, but also cats, rodents, and farm animals. Puppies are particularly susceptible due to their less developed immune systems.

Contaminated Objects.

Dermatophytes, the fungi that cause ringworm, can survive on objects and surfaces such as bedding, grooming tools, and furniture for up to 18 months depending on environmental factors such as humidity, temperature, the amount of sunlight and the type of surface. When a dog comes into contact with these contaminated objects, they can contract the infection. Wash objects with hot water and fungicidal cleaners.

Soil Contamination.

Fungi can thrive in soil. Dogs that dig or play in contaminated soil may contract ringworm. Bathing your dog frequently can help prevent the spread of Dermatophytes.

Regular Use of Fungicidal Cleaners

Given the dermatophytes ability to survive for extended periods of time on objects (up to 18 months), it's important to take preventive measures, especially in environments like kennels or homes with multiple pets. If you suspect that an object has been contaminated with ringworm, cleaning and disinfecting it properly with a fungicidal cleaner is crucial to prevent the spread of the infection. Here's a list of types of cleaners known for their effectiveness against dermatophytes that cause ringworm:

Antifungal Soap Chlorhexidine wipes...
KennelSol Cleaner... Hydrogen Peroxide...
  • Bleach Solutions: A solution of bleach and water (typically 1 part bleach to 10 parts water) is very effective against ringworm. It's important to follow safety guidelines when using bleach, including wearing gloves and ensuring adequate ventilation.
  • Enilconazole: Commonly used in veterinary settings, enilconazole is a broad-spectrum fungicidal agent that can be used for disinfecting surfaces and equipment.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide: A 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide can be used to clean surfaces. It's less harsh than bleach and is effective against various fungi.
  • Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide (AHP): This is a more potent form of hydrogen peroxide often used in healthcare and veterinary settings for its broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity.
  • Thornell KennelSol: This is a commonly used disinfectant in kennels and veterinary clinics. It's effective against a wide range of pathogens, including fungi.
  • Chlorhexidine: Available in various formulations, chlorhexidine is effective against bacteria and fungi. It can be used for cleaning surfaces, but its fungicidal efficacy might be less than that of bleach or enilconazole.
  • Vinegar: While not as potent as commercial fungicides, a solution of vinegar and water can be somewhat effective for cleaning surfaces. However, its efficacy against ringworm specifically is not as high as other options.
  • Lysol: Some commercial disinfectants like Lysol claim to be effective against fungi. Always check the label to ensure efficacy against ringworm.

It's important to note that while these cleaners can kill ringworm on surfaces, they should be used according to the manufacturer's instructions to ensure safety and effectiveness. Additionally, always wear gloves and ensure good ventilation when using chemical disinfectants. For soft surfaces such as bedding or upholstery, laundering with hot water and a fungicidal or regular detergent is recommended. If you're dealing with a ringworm outbreak, it may also be wise to consult with a veterinarian for additional guidance on environmental decontamination.

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